Sunday, 29 September 2013

Day 5: Self forgiveness on the pseudo-emotional eater

Recently I wrote a blog where I mentionned that when I was a kid, I used to hear my grandma say : "finish everything because there are tons of kids in africa starving." That one proverb stuck with me for a long time and I feel that I sometimes choose to just skip meals and not eat the right stuff because there are lots of emotional links I have created with food. I will therefore do Self forgiveness on those.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to create an energetic relationship between world starvation and my eating habits, where I will try to avoid eating as much as possible until I can no longer sustain the hunger and end up consuming food that are not good for my body.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to continuously use the world starvation as an excuse to justify not eating, therefore punishing myself for not being able to help all the starving people in the world.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to create this personality with food where I enslave myself by giving food that much power to make me feel guilty whenever I eat.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to avoid buying food to justify me starvation because of the belief that if I starve myself then I am equal to those who are starving and that I can feel their suffering and their pain and also pride myself that I have sacrificed myself to be like them.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to not enjoy the food I eat because I just want to eat just for the sake of keeping myself alive, therefore not being present with my food while I consume it and not using my senses to experience what I eat.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to not eat items that are good for my body and create an aversion to them because I got so used to eating the wrong foods and created more energetic links to these 'wrong foods.'

I forgive myself for allowing myself to not eat breakfast because I can't find the right foods to eat in the morning because I have developed an aversion to consuming things such as cereals as I believe they contain too much sugar, eggs because I believe they lead to high cholesterol, fruits because I don't like the way they taste and bread, butter and cheese because I believe they will lead to diabetes or make me fat.

When and as I see myself thinking of world starvation, I stop and I breathe. I tell myself that this is just another form of self-trap using guilt as a means to fuel the mind to keep me from nourishing my body. I commit to being one and equal to food, where I consume food that I need to feed my physical being, and do not allow myself to make food as my God where I fear that everything I eat will make me fat or unhealthy. The next time I eat, I commit to eating with gratitude as in being one an equal to that what I am being given to eat and also commit to being here during the moment I eat, with each bite, using taste buds and other senses to taste and feel what I am putting into my body.

When and as I see myself thinking that a particular food will produce a negative outcome,  I pause and I breathe. I tell myself that this is another mind trap using guilt to make me fear the outcome and fear death. I commit to eating foods that are closest to nature as much as possible and if I have to eat something like a dessert or treat, commit to eating in moderation and not experiencing any form of fear of becoming fat or unhealthy.

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