Saturday, 5 October 2013

Day 6: Food as preventative Medicine

Today I was just browsing articles and I came upon a very interesting article:

Probiotics work double duty as antidepressant

Stress actually lowers the healthy probiotic flora called lactobacilli and bifidobacterium, which inhibits the absorption of nutrients capable of elevating mood and regulating the facilities which alleviate stress and anxiety.  At the very least, this means that probiotics have an indirect effect on mood.

Eating yogurt with active cultures reduces pain and emotional response triggers

Another intriguing study shows that those who eat active culture yogurt daily exhibited a reduced reaction in the areas of the brain the control the senses of pain and strong emotion.  At the same time, the areas that govern decision making were exhibiting an enhanced level of activity.
This makes for a much more even mood, better feelings of control over one’s life and also for more of a sense of calm and well-being.  Researchers have made the link that bacteria in the gut actually has the ability to communicate with several areas of the brain, which may explain why those who have beefed up on probiotics enjoy better overall mental health.

In the past month, my digestive system failed to function 100% and I was trying to figure out what had lead to all of that. I knew that the bad bacteria in the gut were predominant because no food was being absorbed in my body. After reading this article, I realized how important our thoughts are when it comes to our physiological functions. Never would I have thought that my good bacteria are actually communicating with my brain to ensure that I am able to sustain myself. In addition, I would have never made the link between stress and good bacteria, though now after reading the article it seems quite obvious!

This study goes to show how important it is to consume food that really sustains each little bacteria and cell of our body. I have come to realize one thing out of this whole episode which is the notion that preventative medicine is far better than detective medicine. Imagine living in a world where diabetes, high cholesterol, heart diseases and cancer did not exist. What type of lifestyle would we enjoy?!

The question is: How do we get there? Instead of us thinking that we only have one life to live so we might as well eat anything, why not make a mind switch where we use food as medicine. Indeed, our ancestors have taught us that there are so many herbs, vegetables and fruits out there that have really great potential for healing and preventing. Yet, it seems that in North America and now also in the rest of the world, people seem to really develop an aversion to eating vegetables and fruits because the junk food industry really does a great job at advertizing. This is really predominant in kids who are fussy eaters and do not want to eat vegetables.

I must admit reluctantly that I was also in the same boat. In my case, prior to my condition, I just hated having to cook vegetables and eat them. I would eat them whenever my mum would cook them, but I just hated having to buy and cook them. I had developed this sense of aversion despite knowing that this was not healthy. Somehow I had assumed that my body would take care of itself and thrive even if I didn't consume vegetables. Yet, now this has totally changed. The medical condition I am in has taught me to really step out of this prisoner's mind game where I have allowed the fast food industry to rule me over by not being able to avoid buying.

I found it really hard after my shift at midnight to head home with a hungry stomach when McDonald's was open. It was too tempting and despite trying to breathe a few times to stabilize myself, my mind would just rule over and I would give in. After consuming the food, I would feel guilty and scared of putting on weight.
To add to that, stress which is triggered by thoughts and backchat are what really cause disease. I had a lot of anxiety that was building up day by day since the past few years and I had never dealt with them. I just allowed myself to take on everyone's problems and that lead to my body saying: STOP! I can't take in more shit. You need to really change this pattern that you have accepted and allowed in yourself. Start eating foods that are right for your body and that will help your body sustain itself. Do not eat those foods that will just cause more harm.

It is fascinating how we have created a world where to sustain ourselves financially, businesses that do not necessarily sustain life have to prevail. These businesses and our allowances are what cause our bodies to go haywire and then we need another business called the Pharmaceutical industry to save us. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we all decided to stop eating  junk food. If all these fast food chains were replaced by smaller family run restaurants that served healthy food, wouldn't we live in a healthier world?

There needs to be a mind shift  in this world where we wake up and really realize what is going on. What we are accepting and allowing us just not helping us. It is in fact destroying us as we are living in a world where we are constantly being bombarded with products and food that we do not need to sustain ourselves. I know most of us are thinking that we need to buy these products to sustain the economy, but that goes to show that we are placing more emphasis on keeping the economy running as opposed to putting our health first. Why on earth would we allow that? Please visit




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