When we look at treatments for anxiety and depression, it is fascinating how a lot of people instantly conclude that meditation will help calm or remove the anxiety. Therefore, I decided to investigate this further.
I have just finished listening to this video
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/iTxtnPKB7GU/ on the construct of meditation. Since birth, I have been taught that meditation is simply an attempt to stop our thoughts. Yet, after listening to this video, I came to the realization that meditation is simply an act of temporarily trying to stop the mind because it has become overactive. That is fascinating. Throughout history, people have used meditation as a form of ascension as in an attempt to try to meditate so that they can reach the highest level of spiritual attainment or simply reincarnate into what they desire to reincarnate as (as per the vedas/mahabharata).
2 months ago, when my anxiety disorder came into manifestation, I was told to begin meditation. In the past I had tried to do so but had failed miserably because every time I would attempt to suppress my thoughts, it would just keep on coming and consequently, I felt I was a failure. Currently, I am trying to walk this point as in determining what really would be effective when it comes to getting over anxiety. I am really glad for the support we have through the Desteni I process when it comes to searching for answers. It seems that a lot of what is being told and practiced in this world are just completely the reverse of what should really be implemented, meditation being one of them.
However, there is a worldwide awakening or enlightenment currently going on around the globe and meditation has now found its way to the western world where celebrities are preaching or practicing it. The question is: who is making all the money? And if we investigate further, the yoga and meditation business is one of the fastest growing industries in north america. I myself was really stunned when I came to North America 14 years ago and westerners were preaching to me about meditation. That is something that I thought only existed in eastern societies. What really surprised me was the amount of people going into it. People are also very eager to inform you that meditation does work when it comes to healing depression, without really considering what the starting point of meditation really is. Meditation is simply an act of trying to be out of this world for an instance and if one continuously does it, they are simply attempting to create a life where they are not participating in the physical. They are simply participating in their minds because they are not directing themselves to provide a solution which is best for all by being here in physical expression on this planet.
So the question to ponder upon is what really works? And the answer to that is simply to watch the breath. Some people choose to do a 4 s count each time they inhale, hold and exhale. Yet, simply focusing on breath is what will develop self-awareness.Also the reason why meditation was created in the first place is because of an overactive mind which creates diseases such as anxiety and depression and therefore now we have to create something to alleviate those conditions. Watching one's breath throughout the day will allow us to develop a sense of slowing the mind which will also entail us to be in the moment.
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