This is a continuation to my previous blog. Today we are focusing on the first point which is: Underestimating yourself gives you a kind of excuse to all the
things you've done in life that you felt you could have done better.
The concept of using the energy charge created by underestimating one's potential, where one will experience some amount of friction based on failing to meet their standards, is almost a deterrent from one seeing this as an opportunity to take 100% responsibility for what one is accepting and allowing and engaging in self corrective applications. If one were to look back in time, one would almost wish that they would have done all they could to get better results. But now, it is too late to change anything and therefore the new energetic frictions created out of this are helplessness and hopelessness. Some may experience blame and anger towards the source or themselves.
I find that in my case, there is self-hatred and self-anger for not being able to meet my own expectations and goals that I had set. I still feel that I could have done or should have done better. And this feeling is what is triggering this sense of restlessness, where I almost become fidgety in the mind and create more energy by holding on to this feeling. What is interesting to note is that the whole expression of feeling I could have done better is not beneficial to me in actual time.
I, for instance already possess a career and therefore I have completed what I needed to get completed to stabilize myself financially in the system. Sure, it would be nice to have more money. Yet I am in a situation where I can at least support myself. Therefore, it is pointless for me to wish that I had done better in the past and seeing myself as a failure. What matters is that I am living the end result of what was needed to be done to place myself in the situation I am today.
It is fascinating how our minds just want to hold on to past memories and experiences to attempt to keep us prisoners and enslaved. The self-corrective application to walk is to not allow us to become victims by using the energy created from underestimating our potentials to cause self-sabotage. Rather, it is for us to notice whenever we underestimate our potentials that this is just a mind backchat that is designed to prevent us from moving forward and developing our potentials.
When and as I see myself wishing that I had done better in the past, I pause and I breathe. I forgive myself for allowing myself to continue to hold on to the though that I feel that I should and could have done better in my life and experiencing as a result negative charges connected to the feeling of being a loser. I understand that there is no point giving up the battle before it has already begun because whatever the mind conceives and brings itself to believe, it can achieve. This translates to if I believe that I am not capable of doing something, then I will manifest the outcome of not seeing the result I want to see and continue to feed the loop that I am a loser. I commit to looking for practical solutions to ensure that I am developing my potentials. This may include taking lessons from a knowledgeable person or simply investigating other relevant solutions.
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